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Welcome to Our New Zero Waste Blog

We have recently started taking steps to embrace a zero waste lifestyle. We are not environmental scientists, but we do like to dedicate part of our time figuring out best ways to protect the environment and practice sustainability. Our motivation is simple: we love our children and care deeply about how they are going to live their lives many years after we are gone.

We want to share our journey with everyone that is concerned about climate change and feel overwhelmed every time they hear news about deforestation at Amazon, endless loads of plastic in our oceans, rising emissions, and the rollback of environmental protections.

We are just getting this new blog going, so stay tuned for more.

Wherever there is life, there is potential for growth.

— Anonymous author

1 comment on “Welcome to Our New Zero Waste Blog

  1. Beth Taylor


    I am open to learning what new products are available to reduce my use of plastics, even the corn based “plastics.” What can I take with me to the grocery store to buy produce, get through the checkout stand without issue, storage in fridge then wash for reuse? I am currently using damp cotton towels for storage of produce in the refrigerator and it works well but can be improved on.

    I’d also like to learn about alternatives to ziplock bags.

    Thank you!


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